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Overview of Online Store and Shipping Procedures


Posted by Mark Osborne on Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Today is the day! We re-launch our online shipping store (at least for a short time), and this is not something you want to miss out on. So, PLEASE REVIEW + READ THIS OVERVIEW CAREFULLY

We will launch the store today, probably around noon. We will send out an email to our list when ready, and a little while later, a post on social media.

The store will only be active for 7 days, or until we sell out of beer, whichever is sooner. We will then take a hiatus from shipping for a TBD amount of time.

All orders will begin shipping at the conclusion of this limited sale period, with the first orders beginning transit on Thursday, September 16th. All customers will be notified of their estimated shipping date on September 15th, by 5:00PM EST.

All orders will be limited to a MAXIMUM of 32 unique items. Any orders that exceed this quantity will require a separate transactions. 

Any damaged products, lost packages, or missing items will be REFUNDED, not replaced.

FREE ITEMS based on Promotional Tier:

Tier 1: $50 - Adroit Theory Patch Kit
Tier 2: $100 - Adroit Theory branded 5oz Taster Glass
Tier 3: $150 - Adroit Theory branded 13oz Tulip Glass

Beers Available
The shipping date for an order will be driven by the LAST beer released in the order.

Available now:
Absolute Zero - WC Quad IPA
**All That I’ve Learned - RIS (limit 2)
Auto- Immolation - DIPA
Auto-Trepanation - Barleywine
Battlemaster - WC TIPA
Black Metal - Altbier
Conjoined - IPA
Coven - RIS
Dead + Gone - TIPA
Dia de los Muertos - RIS
Doom - ESB
Dopamine - DIPA
Evangelion 1 - TIPA
Evangelion 2 - TIPA
Faithless - TIPA
For the Dogs in the Slums - DIPA
immersion - Pilsner
Invisible Art - Black IPA
Life of the Scandalous - IPA
New Religion 10 - TIPA
Operation Warfare 3 - DIPA
Otoacoustic Emissions - DIPA
Scorched Earth - DIPA
Strictly for my Grind - Kolsch
Thrash Metal - Helles Lager

Cosmic Oblivion - TIPA
Cure for Knowledge - Barleywine (limit 2)
Curse of the Damned - Marzen - WCIPA
Evangelion 3 - TIPA
Incursion - TIPA
Operation Warfare 4 - DIPA
Tribunal of Death - TIPA
Two Hundred - RIS (limit 2)
Young Hipster - IPA